How To Properly Run Up and Down Hills
How To Properly Run Up and Down Hills By Coach Johnny B (MS, CFL3, LMT) Atlanta is the place where the players go to play. It’s also the land of heat, humidity, and HILLS! If you are a runner and do not know how to adjust your biomechanics to tackle the elevation correctly, you […]
Sit On Your Knees Mobility for Jiu-Jitsu
This week, we are sharing a mobility routine for all our jiu-jitsu friends who are having difficulty sitting on their knees. The ability to go heel to butt is essential for the sport; without it, your performance will suffer, and you will be dominated. If this is you, start this daily routine and overcome this […]
Fixing Tech Neck & Other Disease of Lack of Movement
Fixing Tech Neck & Other Disease of Lack of Movement By Johnny Bouchard (MS, CFL3, LMT) Humans are meant to move. Our bodies are brilliantly engineered to run, walk, carry, push, pull, squat, lunge, and rotate all at the same time. From a survival standpoint, these foundational movements are at the core of our existence. […]
Must Do Yoga Poses For Runners
Thirteen Must Do Yoga Poses For Runners by Coach Johnny B (MS, CFL3, LMT) Ten years ago, I would’ve never written this. I used to think Yoga was BS. I believed that targeted mobility work and full range of motion strength was all one needed to be bendy. Why? Because to own a position, you […]
What Is Manual Therapy & How It Helps You Be A Better Athlete
The phrase manual therapy stems from the Latin word manus, which means hand. So anytime someone uses a hand to do something that reduces pain or increases mobility, it’s technically manual therapy. So yeah, when your partner digs their thumb into that knot in your shoulder to mess with you, it’s manual therapy (technically trigger […]
Squat and Shoulder Mobility Assessment and Exercises
Below is a virtual version of a squat and overhead mobility workshop that we did with our friends at Decatur Strength and Conditioning. We started the workshop by doing two classic ASR mobility assessments. 1. Feet Together Knee Together Squat Assessment for pronation, ankle dorsiflexion, internal tibial rotation, knee flexion, and hip flexion. 2. Shin […]
Welcome Dr. Kristy Whyte, MD to the ASR Team!
We are beyond stoked to welcome the newest Atlanta Sports Recovery team member, Dr. Kristy Whyte, MD. Kristy is joining the team as our Supervising Physician and Performance MD, overseeing all of our athletic trainers (different from personal trainers) . She ensures we adhere to the highest possible standard of care and is our primary […]
How To Make Your Body Anti-Fragile
How To Make Your Body Anti-Fragile by Johnny Bouchard (CFL3, MS, LMT) Fragile things break when put under stress. Anti-fragile things benefit from volatility and shock. Trauma makes anti-fragile things more resilient and more capable. An excellent example of something anti-fragile is the mythical greek Hydra—the many-headed serpent who would grow two heads for everyone […]
Are Weak Adductors Limiting Your Running?
The inner thigh muscles (hip adductors) for are vital muscles for runners. If your adductors are weak and tight, they can cause knee, low-back, and hip pain and MAKE YOU SLOW. Mobilizing and strengthening your adductors can help cure these pains and make you a faster runner. Check the video out for a test […]
3 Ways To Get More Deep Rest
Article written by Johnny Bouchard (MS, CFL3, LMT) Out of the four stages of sleep, the deep sleep stage is the most important for repairing your physical body. During deep sleep, your body releases growth hormones to build and repair muscles, bones, and tissue, and immune system functioning. (Patel et al., 2022). In an ideal world, […]

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