Everything You Need To Know About CBD

CBD is the rage right now. I have been getting a ton of questions about it in both the clinic and the gym. I have also been hearing lots of questionable statements about the effects of CBD, so this week I wanted to give you the skinny on the other 3 letter cannabis plant product.

Before we start with the Q&A here are some definitions and things you should know:

  • Cannabis – A flowering plant that has been used as food and medicine for over 12,000 years
  • Hemp – cannabis plant with 0.3% or less THC (the stuff that gets you high)
  • Marijuana – cannabis plants with more than 0.3% THC

CBD – naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of the cannabis plant. It’s non-addictive and one of more than 100 phytoncannaboids found in cannabis. CBD must have less than 0.3% THC.

THC – the psychoactive part compound in cannabis that gets you high. Only sold in dispensaries in forwarding thinking progressive states that legalize it.

Ok onto the Q & A

What Does CBD Do?

It is well suited for:

  • Reducing pain & inflammation
  • Reducing or eliminating seizures
  • Fighting the growth of tumor & cancer cells•
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Reducing muscle spasms
  • Protecting the nervous system – managing Parkinsons & Dementia
  • Use with THC in autism & post stroke care
  • Reducing the undesirable effects of THC

Will CBD Make You High?
No. Not a single chance, even if it’s CBD isolate that comes from a marijuana plant. Even if CBD full spectrum (includes 0.3% THC) you won’t get high. If you do feel high it’s a placebo or you are having a bad reaction.If you want to get high go to one of the forwarding thinking progressive states and hit up a dispensary, it’s a fun experience.

Can Exposure TO CDB Make Me Fail A Drug Test?
If you bathe in it or take an entire bottle in an attempt to get high from it, there’s a chance. But with normal use absolutely not.

How Much Should I Take?
Start with 25 milligrams

What Should I Look For When Buying CBD?
A Certificate Of Analyses (COA) from 3rd party labs that they don’t own. (Alert: non-regulated supplements are usually clinically tested by a lab owned by the manufacturer. That is sketchy AF and probably why your birch bark never cured a headache, or did it when it became aspirin?)

Also make sure that non-getting you high stuff is made and grown in the USA.

Eric and I both use CBDMedic and it’s fantastic. Hopefully we’ll have some in the gym and treatment room in the near future for you to try in you’re interested.


Rupal Pandey et al. “Endocannabinoid Sysyem & Bone”
Martin A. Lee “The Brain & Marijuana”
Saundra Young (CNN) Marijuana Stops Seizures in Childrenn
P.G. Fine “Cannaboids for neuropathic pain”
Emillio Perucca – Cannaboids in the Treatment of Epilepsy
Martin A. Lee – CBD, THC & Cancer
United Patients Group – Cannabidiol Facts & CBD Facts

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